
Monday, May 4, 2015

Culture and Flowers Parade (Part 1)

Assalamu alaikum...

It's been more than a week after my latest post and this is already May! Do you know what May means here in Surabaya? May means celebration. This city is celebrating its birthday. I don't know the exact date, but there are a lot of events held on May. And this year, Surabaya will be in its 722th year.

One of the events was held yesterday, on Sunday. That is "Parade Budaya dan Bunga" or in English it may be the Culture and Flower Parade. Like its name, there were a lot of cars decorated with flowers. A loooot of flowers. And there were also people wearing unique costumes.

I made this into more than a post, cause I took a lot of photos. Like, a looooot. Just some of them are good though. Since I was a beginner in using DSLR camera and don't know how to take a good photograph. So, these are some photos I took yesterday. I've edited them of course. In this post, the photos are most showing the cars and flowers. Enjoy them, people!

There are a lot of people watched this parade. It's so difficult to find a good spot to take photos at first.

Other cities even joined this parade

This is my campus' flower car. The simplest among all.

They're so cute, aren't they?
And also like the name, this parade also consisted of cultural things.

Even there were dancers danced India dance

Well, that's the part one. Wait for the next part, ok? These posts will be full of photos.



  1. Bagian yang 'Hanya di Pasar kita'-nya lucu banget :')
    Kenapa sih Surabaya bisa lucu lucu gini :')))

    1. Iya yang itu emang lucu banget bikin gemes >.<


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